If you're looking for the best pepper spray on the market, then you're looking for SABRE Red. SABRE Red is trusted by more law enforcement agencies in the US and world wide than any other. The Maximum Strength blended formula guarantees maximum stopping power, every single time, and it includes a powerful UV marking dye as well. This little hand held canister will deliver a powerful stream designed to reduce wind blowback up to 10 feet away. The delivery system is engineered to keep your attacker at a distance, and keep you safe. With 25 shots, you even have the capability to defend yourself against multiple individuals. Ask any officer of any agency local state or federal. They will most likely tell you that they are carrying SABRE Red, and with good reason. SABRE's commitment to quality and the effectiveness of their product is second to none. SABRE Red has earned the reputation of being the best pepper spray brand on the market!
Specifications and Features:
SABRE Red Designer Label Pepper Spray with Key Ring KR-DL-200-02
Maximum Strength Blended Pepper Spray Formula
UV Marking Dye
10' Range
25x Bursts
15 Grams
Black and White Designer Canister